On The Reason That the Emotional Plague is not Recognized. November 21, 2022.

People cannot recognize the reality of evil or the existence of the emotional plague’s destructiveness on human life because the mechanistic\mystical ways of their thinking about social problems prevents them from seeing what is happening in front of their eyes. These ways do not correspond to the reality of what is happening in the world around them. They are a major ocular symptom resulting in thought disturbances, a condition known as thought disorders in psychiatry, operating socially in everyone including our pundits today. Through the ages, mechanistic/mystical thinking about social problems of armored humans has been the hand maiden of the devil, a.k.a. the emotional plague.

In order to understand and effectively deal with what is happening socially and politically in our world a new, entirely different way of thinking, functional thinking, is necessary so that the operation of peoples emotional plague’s operation in daily life can be recognized and addressed as a form of social pathology.

On Not Recognizing the Demise of Politics. November 13, 2022.

The publics not recognizing that politics in today’s anti-authoritarian society is dead and no longer workable as it once did in the past authoritarian era is because they remain stuck in their usual mechanistic-mystical ways of thinking, a symptom of their ocular armor. It keeps them thinking rigidly and politically along the ideological lines of the political left and right, in ways in which social conditions existed in the past authoritarian era and in the belief that conditions still exist in todays disintegrating, anti-authoritarian American society as they once did in the past. This dangerous belief, a symptom of ocular armor in the masses renders them helpless and incapable of seeing the destructiveness that is happening in politics and doing something to stop it from destroying our nation.

However, before the illusion of politics can be officially pronounced dead there must first be something viable with which to replace it. Extrication from the bane of politics is provided in the knowledge of functional thinking and in the new science of social orgonomy.


My book,”The Demise of Politics, A Book of Blogs” will be published in 2023.


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