What is the Origin of Political Correctness?

The morality of political correctness appeared spontaneously following the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian beginning around 1960. This was the time when the breakthrough of human destructiveness on all levels of social life first intensified. With the weakening of the authoritarian family and of individual authority on a local level, absolute morality of right and wrong was replaced by the relative morality of political correctness and the collective authority of “Big Brother.” The authority of parents and of individuals was taken over by the authority of peer groups and of big government.

The appearance of the morality of political correctness “out of nowhere” is evidence that people need social armor in one form or another (absolute or relative morality) to contain the destructive forces within them for their personal and social survival.
However, there are qualitative and quantitative differences between the two moralities. Political correctness is more pernicious than the absolute morality of the past authoritarian era because it is restricted to the superficial and destructive layers of human life and therefore is clueless about the existence of good and of evil.

Why Do They Blow Themselves Up?

Terrorist Muslims come from authoritarian, sex-negative families that have been destroyed by the social upheaval that is happening in Middle Eastern countries. Early in their psychosexual development, these youngsters are educated to not feel (to repress) their natural sexual urges. As a result, their pleasurable feelings become twisted, distorted and experienced as something evil. During puberty and adolescence, their feelings intensify and, for some, become intolerable.
These young people are raw material that become indoctrinated and recruited into the jihadist movement by Islamic ideologues. The intolerance that they have for people enjoying themselves is a projection of their own suppressed sexual feelings. It is combined with a mystical loyalty to their fanatic leader that directs them to do Allah’s bidding, turning them into a weapon of mass destruction. Blowing people and themselves up is the sadomasochistic solution associated with an emotional (sexual) release through an act of physical bursting that they have been trained to long for.

The Functional Relation Between the Emotional Plague on the Left and Right

The following excerpt is from my forthcoming book, “Clueless”:
The emotional plague individual on the left operates subversively using his intellect to instill confusion either by political action or by inaction. The emotional plague individual on the right operates overtly using his emotions to instill terror through political reaction. For example, the Islamic State (ISIS) movement which operates from the far right originated from Muslim militants in response to the transformation of Western Society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian which was accompanied by a shift of the political mainstream to the far left.

These extremists reacted emotionally and murderously to what they saw as a threat to their way of life. A manifestation of the emotional plague from the political right, their barbaric actions suddenly caught the attention of a clueless public in the western world by generating terror.

Meanwhile, the free world led by our feckless, left wing president choses to focus not on the terrorist threat and the need to join and support the anti-ISIS forces against the Islamic fanatics but on ousting the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. He insists on this condition before he is willing to consider a military alliance. Knowing that he does not stand a chance to depose Assad, Obama’s political “action” is a disguised form of inaction. It is a destructive example of the emotional plague from the left because it generates confusion about what must be done. It effectively undermines the anti-ISIS coalition’s efforts to crush the terrorist organization militarily.

The Third World War

World War III is already in an advanced state of progression and the masses and their liberal leaders of the free world are still clueless about what and why it is happening. The War is a struggle to the death between the Free World on the political left and the Islamic State, (ISIS) on the political extreme right.
It was triggered by the unstable social conditions resulting from the anti-authoritarian transformation of the Western world including a shift to the far left of the political center beginning around 1960. The transformation spread to the Middle East and undermined the authoritarian rulers of those nations destabilizing their repressive hold on the people. Because of weakened social and political conditions, the development of the Islamic State was inevitable.
Islamic fascists running ISIS belong, from a socio-political standpoint, on the extreme right. They have a deep hatred for the unrestrained freedom of people living in the free world and feel emotionally provoked to destroy them and their liberal ways of social life.They murder westerners by mystically indoctrinating sexually starved Muslim youths into becoming suicide bombers promising them that they will be rewarded with happiness in the next world.
Another one of their weapons of mass destruction is using the lives of innocent Muslims as a Trojan Horse by displacing them from their homes while carrying embedded terrorists to infiltrate and destroy the free world.
The question before us is the following: Does the free world that is currently dominated by the forces of the political left have the necessary aggression and vitality to stand up to and exterminate the murderous forces of evil on the political extreme right? But first it is necessary to be “clued in” that a global war is actually happening.

What Happened to the Middle East?

As recently as 50 years ago, the Middle East consisted of a number of stable countries controlled by authoritarian dictators where Arabs and non-Arabs generally lived peacefully together. Today, many of these countries are losing their identity as separate nations. The entire area is becoming enveloped in chaos and much of the population is fleeing into Europe and beyond as radical Islamic terrorists are murdering anyone who stands in their way.
Current attempts to understand the reason for this disaster are inadequate because people have no knowledge of the underlying forces at work. The explanations only recognize what is happening on the social surface not on a bio-social, core level. An example of such an attempt at understanding given recently is to blame “civilization’s failure either to overcome or to accommodate the forces of modernity.”
Let us begin by asking another question: What happened to the so-called Arab Spring movement that was supposed to bring democracy to the Middle East and elsewhere? While it may have ended the regimes of secular strongmen in those countries it did not result in expected democratization in any of them. In fact, there has been more violence, chaos and less democracy than there was before the start of the Arab Spring.
Largely unrecognized is that the widespread destructiveness that is happening in the Middle East and Africa today is the direct result of the breakdown of the authoritarian structure of society into anti-authoritarianism that began in the West around 1960 and has spread like wildfire throughout the entire world including the Middle East.
A related question is the following: How can the Arab population in the Middle East who have lived under extreme authoritarian, often tribal conditions for centuries and who belong politically to the far right of center be realistically expected to function overnight in a way similar to people living in a modern, Western-style liberal democracy? This question which goes to the heart of the Arab Spring problem stems from the liberal’s mystical belief in the perfectibility of man through social and political intervention. It is mystical because what is expected is totally unrealistic. This is the belief of liberalism, a secularized version of the idea of salvation through divine intervention that is held by religious mystics on the political right. But from what has happened in the Middle East this form of mystical thinking is clearly far more socially destructive when it comes from the left.

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