The Power Behind the Left’s Political Ideology

Political ideology is a powerful social force. In today’s anti-authoritarian social order the ideology of the public mainstream is far to the political left of center. The source of the power behind the far-left’s ideological battle to destroy the authority of President Trump and his campaign comes from their ability to tap into this left-centered mind-set of the public by casting doubt in them about every one of his political ideas and policies.

For their part, the left-centered public mainstream has little or no contact with emotions originating from it’s biological core. Because of this emotional cluelessness, all they have remaining for guidance and orientation in life is through the development of their intellectual powers. However, this deficit allows them to give equal credence to every one of the leftist media’s attacks on Trump in the name of fairness. It also allows them to be easy prey of the far-left ideologues and be taken in by their ideologically based attacks.

The Emotional Plague at the Southern Border

People on the political left are united in their efforts to oppose each and every one of President Trump’s decisions and actions. What matters more to them are the expressions of their varying degrees of hatred toward the President and, at the same time defending their political source of power over people and not what is important for safeguarding the American nation.

Regarding immigration, the left’s effectiveness of their oppositional strategy is to create public confusion about how to deal with the problem of illegal immigration and to paralyze the Nation’s efforts to defend itself by undermining and eliminating it’s borders. A typical tactic of the emotional plague of armored humans on the political extreme left, the source of their destructiveness comes from their ability to enlist the support of the masses of true liberals further to their right.

The true liberal functions as the carrier of this manifestation of the plague and provides the force behind the leftist ideologues plague characters on his left. The source of the true liberal’s political ideology is in his enormous amount of free-floating guilt (conscience anxiety) that continually needs relief by attaching to social causes. His political ideology originates from his not having a religion to absorb his chronic, pervasive feelings of guilt. The image of poor, suffering immigrants demanding entrance at our southern border provided by the media is exactly what is needed for him to feel the urge to ” do something” through political action so that his conscience and feelings of guilt, can be atoned.

The public spectacle of this moral drama is the background that serves to ignore any consideration about what is in the best interests of Americans and their nation.

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