The Cornerstones of Social Orgonomy

To make any sense of what is going on in this chaotic world of ours an understanding of the cornerstones of the science of social orgonomy is essential. They are:

1) The three layer of the bio-psychic apparatus.

2) The emotional plague.

3) Socio-political character structure.

4) The anti-authoritatian transformation of our society.

A course in social orgonomy will be given by the American College of Orgonomy in the near future. It will be based, in part, on my forthcoming book, “Clueless.”

Why Can’t They “Get It” ?

Why is the anti-authoritariam transformation of Western society happening in front of everyone’s face and no one recognizes it?The reason is that people are caught up in their own political battle between the left and the right and, because of that, each side has a vested interest in not seeing it.

The left cannot see the transformation because they are part and parcel of the forefront that is endorsing it.The right cannot see the transformation because their character structure is the product of what remains of the authoritarian social order which they are desperately trying to preserve.

This is another destructive example of our “politics as usual.”

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