The Choice Is Between Bad And Worse

Any attempt by people at political solutions to social problems always results in an existing bad situation becoming a worse one.  The reason for this tragic turn of events is the limitations in people’s ability to tolerate freedom. In their political struggles, people’s longing for greater freedom becomes thwarted by their own armor and this prevents them from actually being able to achieve the freedom that they desire.  This inability on the part of the people always permits the forces of the organized emotional plague to enter the political arena and take advantage of the power vacuum bringing about a more totalitarian regime than that which existed before.  A bad social condition turns worse.

Once again, this destructive chain of events manifested by Arab unrest is being played out, this time in countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Democracy requires more than a free election.  Nothing has been learned from past experience. Nothing still is understood about people’s biophysical intolerance for freedom and the reason for their trapped existence in the first place, which is their armored condition.  This brings to the surface the forces of the emotional plague that are contained in the structure of all humans. These forces can and will turn every hope of people struggling for a better life into more despair.

The True Meaning Of ‘Christ Died For Your Sins.’

A cornerstone of Christian philosophy, this phrase is a manifestation or symptom of armored human thinking.  All symptoms consist of two components, an impulse and a defense. In this case, the impulse consists of man’s attempt to relieve himself of his guilt (sinfullness) by placing the burden of responsibility on Christ the Savior.  The defense consists in concealing through mystical distortion the true reason for Christ’s death.  By removing the distortion, this phrase would become clear and read: “Christ died because of mans sinfullness.”  In his book, “The Murder of Christ,” Wilhelm Reich showed that human beings murdered Christ because of their sinfullness, i.e. evil, resulting from the emotional plague within them.

The Political Strategy Of Leftist Ideologues

In order to make sense of the political behavior of leftist ideologues in America, an understanding of the three functional layers of every individual’s bio-physical structure is necessary. These are the superficial layer or facade, the deeper, socially destructive middle layer and the deepest layer, the biological core.

Having no contact with their core and depending on whether or not they are in political power, ideologues on the political Left shift back and forth from their superficial layer (by impersonating  true liberals) to their destructive, middle layer and back again. When not in political power (prior to 2008), they operated from their superficial layer and pretended that they were genuine liberals. Once they gained power in 2008, these falsely named (pseudo) liberals revealed their true identity. In full view of a surprised public, they abandoned their liberal facade and blatantly operated entirely from their destructive middle layer. They packaged their socialist agenda as social progress and shoved it down the public’s throat, proving that their objective is to weaken and ultimately destroy America both domestically and internationally and that therefore, they are, in fact no different than old-fashioned communists. Now  that they are again not politically dominant (in 2011), they have returned to assuming their seemingly benign  liberal facade. And this is the way that the Left will appear until they next take control of government. This is called the salami method of government, takeover of a country slice by slice

The Left’s temporary retreat is designed to give the appearance  that they are currently relenting on some of their destructive political rhetoric and goals. Because the public recognizes only what is on the political surface, this will be viewed by some on the Right as a victory but this is wishful thinking. The facile changes in the pseudo-liberal/communist’s facade are entirely calculated.Their tactics are always in the service of maintaining and increasing political control over people.

The Problem Of Aggression

To resolve the problem of aggression a distinction must be made between natural, healthy aggression, energy that originates from the biological core and is expressed rationally without distortion and neurotic aggression, energy that becomes distorted and irrational as it passes through the armor.

The confusion resulting from this mix-up sets the emotional plague in motion. Because of their biophysical intolerance and fear of aggression from the biological core, those on the political Left are quick to view all forms of aggression, healthy and neurotic, as pathological. This permits them to politicize public acts of violence  such as the recent Tuscon massacre to discredit the political Right. They automatically associate aggression with violence and the political Right. Although those on the Right are able to tolerate aggression, they also do not distinguish between its two forms. When attacked, they are placed in a defensive position where all they can do is to point out the political nature of the Left’s actions. Without making clear the existence of the two forms of aggression, healthy and sick, the Right’s response is only partially effective.  It facilitates expression of the emotional plague and increases the political influence of the Left.

Massacre In Tuscon

The following is an excerpt of an article that will be included in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Orgonomy.  It is being published here with kind permission of the author, Edward Chaska M.D.

Referring to the January 8th shooting of 20 people by accused gunman Jared Lee Loughner, Dr. Chaska writes:

“Overlooked in the media’s debate over the tragic shootings of Congresswoman Giffords and nineteen others is the deadly interaction between marijuana and mental illness.  As a psychiatric consultant in a drug and rehabilitation facility I see dozens of young men and women who present in psychotic and violent states from the use of marijuana and other drugs.  Often, after three or four months of treatment and abstinence from marijuana, they are entirely changed human beings.  Marijuana users are three times as likely to develop a psychotic episode and twice as likely to develop overt symptoms of schizophrenia as are people who do not smoke marijuana.  They also suffer higher rates of anxiety and depression. Marijuana inhibits brain development and interferes with natural empathic feelings for other human beings.

“In Pennsylvania, thanks to ‘children’s rights’ advocates, children over 14 can refuse psychiatric or drug and alcohol treatment, even if their parents insist they need it.  If the media wants someone to blame for this tragedy they need look no further than the marijuana lobby and the ‘children’s rights’ advocates who interfere with a parent’s right to get treatment for their children with psychiatric and drug problems.”

With his knowledge of characterology, the trained medical orgonomist can accurately identify and effectively treat youngsters who are at risk for developing psychotic symptoms and are prone to destructive behavior long before they become violent. Mr. Loughner, who had a past history of drug use, may not have been suffering from classic schizophrenic symptoms prior to the attack but nevertheless his behavior indicated that he had a character diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia  with impulsive and homicidal tendencies. His history of marijuana use put him at greater risk to have a violent psychotic reaction. The ability of the medical orgonomist to make an early therapeutic intervention based on an accurate character diagnosis can help to prevent future tragedies.

Old-fashioned Liberalism Is Not The Answer To Arabic Racism

In his article, Egypt’s Prison of Hate (Wall Street Journal, January 4, 2011), Bret Stephens writes in response to the New  Year’s Eve massacre of a score of Coptic Christian worshipers in Alexandria, Egypt.  The political reaction of many Muslim leaders in that country blamed the attack on a Zionist plot backed by Israel.  Mr.Stephens recommends that Egyptians need old-fashioned liberalism, and in particular, disseminating an Arabic translation of the complete works of the liberal English philosopher, John Locke, starting with his “Letters Concerning Toleration.”

Unfortunately, old-fashioned liberalism has come and gone.  This solution ignores the crucial role played by people’s socio-political character structure in determining current social behavior.  Egyptians who are racist, and those leaders who defend atrocities such as this massacre, belong on the extreme right of the socio-political spectrum.  These Egyptians should not be lumped with the majority of people in that country who belong more to the political center and are therefore, non-violent.

Moreover, promoting liberal thinking does not get to the source of the enormous quantities of hatred locked deep in the character structure of all Muslim extremists.  This hatred is constantly seeking release in one form or another.  The source of this hatred is the desire for revenge that is displaced from their personal lives onto  jihad.  Liberal philosophy which originated from the most superficial layer of human structure, cannot contain the reservoir of hatred of these extremists.  Unless they are recognized and isolated from the rest of society, this scourge of destructive human behavior will continue to be out of control.

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