Fomenting Social Change is the Left’s Weapon of Choice For its Political Takeover

Before any improvement can be expected in social conditions there must first be an understanding and application to social processes of the knowledge contained in the science of Social Orgonomy. The three layers of the human bio-psychic apparatus consisting in the biological core, the destructive secondary layer and the superficial layer or facade is one example.

The political left’s anti-authoritarian tactic is to encourage the expression of people’s repressed ideas and emotions contained in their secondary destructive layer and direct them against authority figures on all social levels. The left will find any cause, such as “black lives matter”, as a rationalization to justify this expression. By step-by-step indoctrinating children and adolescents in the new norms of anti-authoritarian thinking and social behavior and by teaching the morality of political correctness to adults and turning them into mindless robots, the left’s political goal of undermining the existing authoritarian social order will be accomplished. This tactic of the emotional plague is responsible for the current acceleration in the widespread destructiveness of society.

Because of the people’s cluelessness regarding the source of humanity’s social problems and of the existence of the plague, the left is easily stepping in and promising all of its outworn, socialist political agendas and have them be passively accepted by the mindless public. This has a single objective, gaining political control over the American people’s minds and lives.

The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Emotional Plague

Where there is social mischief to be done the emotional plague will find a way to be there to do it. The Chinese and Russian governments are controlled by emotional plague characters on the extreme political left, a.k.a., communists. Their existence depends on living off of and destroying the productivity of other nations. Hackers from these countries have been interfering with America’s coronavirus research efforts from the beginning of the pandemic. Their activity involves both stealing information and disrupting the victim’s operation networks, clear-cut manifestations of the emotional plague. According to Bryan S. Ware, the assistant director of cybersecurity for the Homeland security Department’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, “When an adversary is doing a smash-and-grab, there is even more likely a chance of not just stealing information but somehow disrupting the victim’s operations networks.”

Both Russia and China have already spread disinformation about the virus, its origins and America’s response to it. Generating confusion and interfering with people’s work function are prime tactics and symptoms of the emotional plague.

The America-Haters

It’s just a matter of the America-Haters convincingly repeating their Hate-America litany as the truth often enough before the masses of American people start buying into it. The reasoning they use to express and justify their hatred of America and Americans is secondary. It could be through their contempt – Americans are crass and boorish people, not sophisticated like Europeans, or through their criticalness – their Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School which is aimed at discrediting America and the American way of life, or through their envy – Americans are greedy, rich and dishonest people, therefore their wealth must be taken from them and fairly distributed, or through their moralism – America is an evil nation made up of people many of whom have descended from past slave owners, therefore restitution is in order, or through distorting and rewriting America’s history by maximizing the image of black Americans and minimizing the importance of white Americans, or through condoning the expression of physical violence and provocation against America and passively supporting mob riots, looting and the destruction of private property of America’s cities, and through concocting any other possible issue that can generate divisiveness.

Whatever America-Haters have to say about America is in the form of a destructive emotional attack. Therefore, it never would occur to them to have anything to say regarding what is positive about America. This omission exposes their emotional need to destroy America and it is enough to indicate that their ideas about America are not only distorted but symptomatic of a severe disturbance in their ability to have perspective about their object of attack and to see America clearly.

While the America-Haters are well on their way to destroy America at any cost, the clueless masses of Americans cannot see the hatred and malevolence behind the America-Haters facade. Given the lack of public recognition and understanding of how to effectively respond and expose their destructive agenda in this emotional plague crisis situation, it is possible for these America-Haters to achieve their ultimate political goal – the complete breakup of this great and exceptional nation through their relentless, non-stop social and political agitation, and turn America into a defunct, communist-style, dictatorship. If this comes to pass the forces of the emotional plague in America that have conducted this operation unrecognized in front of everyone will have achieved a monumental victory.

A Biden Presidency Will Be a Puppet Government

A Puppet Government is a nation or individual controlled by another. Biden is a puppet who is being propped-up by the far-left Democratic Party to be President of the United States. His running mate, Kamala Harris, is a far-left California Senator who, as Vice President, will become President if Biden wins the election in November and either resigns or does not live to finish his term of office. Both are likely possibilities.

The majority of people who belong to the Democratic Party are on the far left and are indistinguishable from the old-time communists. Therefore, a vote for a Democratic Candidate in November 2020 is, in effect, a vote for a communist for the Presidency.

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