The Breakdown of Responsibility in Anti-authoritarian Society

In the past authoritarian society (prior to around 1960) the idea of people being responsible for themselves was clear. People became responsible around the legal age of 18. At this time young people became ready to work for a living, learn a trade or get a degree of some kind, marry, start having families of their own, and vote. Young men became eligible to serve in the armed forces to protect their country etc. At 18 years of age young people were considered to be and were treated as adults.

With the destruction of the authoritarian social order there has been a breakdown of individual responsibility. In today’s anti-authoritarian society with the breakdown of the authoritarian family and of social order, there is widespread confusion about what age young people are considered to be responsible adults. Many 18-year-olds today have not yet reached a state of emotional maturity where they can be considered responsible adults capable of taking care of themselves and having a family. They often remain at an arrested state of emotional development well into their third and fourth decade.

Yet, even as prep-school and college students they are led to believe that they have the right to tell their teachers and professors what their curricula should be and to know what is best for others in society. The anti-authoritarian educators are an extension of the same mental state as the parents of these young people. Both behave destructively and irresponsibly in their respective roles as educators and parents. They are biophysically incapable of bringing anything in terms of guidance and experience from the past for the benefit of the younger generation.

The confusion regarding the problem of responsibility in today’s anti-authoritarian society is not just another way of eradicating human history. It is a form of psychic repression manifesting in the social realm and another symptom of the emotional plague. Take away the past and young people have no way of orienting themselves to having any importance and meaning to their lives. Their cluelessness places them at the mercy of emotional plague, leftist political ideologues to be in control of directing their lives.

What’s Really Happening in Politics Today

In order to understand what’s happening in today’s politics one has to step outside people’s conventional ways of thinking and be able to see and think functionally. Also required is knowledge of the cornerstones of social orgonomy: the three layers of the bio-psychic apparatus, the emotional plague, socio-political characterology and the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian.

The authoritarian society that existed prior to around 1960 was well ordered. Americans on the political left and the right were able to live harmoniously from their social surface in a relationship of attractive opposition. Operating from their facade, Democrats and Republicans were able to work together and get their political work accomplished. Both sides had in common that they were strongly pro-American.

The breakdown of the authoritarian social order and the anti-authoritarian transformation were the result of changes in the kind of armor in the average individual that existed in the past authoritarian social order. There was a shift of people’s biological armor from their bodies (muscular armor) to their brain (ocular armor). This shift in individual armor resulted in a shift in the political mainstream to the political left of center during the troubled decades of the 1960s. This was when the breakdown of the Two Party system first became apparent. It was the result of the infestation of anti-American, leftist radicals – the emotional plague – into the Democratic Party and the breakthrough of people’s destructive secondary layer to the political surface

Today, the relationship between the Democratic and Republican Party is one of antagonistic opposition. There is no longer any way that the two parties can work together. People on the political, radical left are actively and aggressively doing whatever they can to destroy what still remains vital in America and people on the political right are operating in reaction to oppose these destructive political actions.

This struggle for the preservation of American society is happening in front of everyone’s eyes and only a few people are able to see the danger that is facing our Nation.

Communists Are the “Cuttlefish” That Have Overrun the Democratic Party

Cuttlefish survive and thrive by changing their skin pattern and taking on the appearance of their environment. By becoming established members of the Democratic Party and pretending to appear like loyal Americans, today’s pseudo-liberal communists function like cuttlefish in the political arena. Their goal is evil, to destroy the Democratic Party and the two party system so that they can take political control of America.

This spectacle of the emotional plague is happening in full view of everyone because the masses of people do not see the hatred for America that lies behind the communist’s benign facade of “progressivism” and the threat that they pose to our nation. From a bio-psychiatric perspective, this phenomenon occurring in the American people is a highly destructive symptom of their ocular armor manifesting in the social realm as the emotional plague. People simply are not able to see what is happening.

A recent example of people’s cluelessness resulting from ocular armor was shown by Joseph Epstein in a Wall Street Journal article, February 12, 2020, entitled The Democrats Gave in to Radicals and Gave up on Common Sense. Here is Epstein’s conclusion: “What is to be done? No one has a good answer. Perhaps the only hope is that the Democrats put together a nightmare ticket — Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker, say, or Bernie Sanders and Kamela Harris -== and the party is so crushingly defeated in November that it returns to its long-lost political senses” (italics added).

The Eruption of the Emotional Plague through the Social Surface

The members of the Far-left’s arrogance and contempt for America and her institutions was revealed by their shameless behavior at the impeachment trial of President Trump. It must be seen by everyone for what it is: an actual symptom of a disease, the emotional plague of sick human beings.

Also, the impeachment trail was not primarily a political event. Politics was merely a pretense and the instrument that was used to advance the Far-left’s (a.k.a. Communist’s) agenda to destroy America and replace it with a Soviet-style, armored, socialist society.

Few people in or outside of the political arena can understand what is happening in politics because the existence of the emotional plague and its origin from the destructive secondary layer of sick humans remains unrecognized by most of the public. Stated differently, what is happening in the political arena is not just about “politics”. People must first become familiar with the existence of this destructive, secondary realm of armored humans, the province of the devil, which contains their emotionally based evilness. (Incidentally, this is why the disease is called the emotional plague.) The public must also become aware that this emotional plague is a serious medical disease of sick humans because it is actively and aggressively operating to destroy what still remains healthy in our society. Today, the emotional plague is using the extreme ideological agenda of the Far-left as its weapon of destruction. It must be recognized and treated medically as a highly invasive social infestation by the public and by the functional medical epidemiologist.

Why Don’t Psychiatrists Deal With Emotions Anymore

The emotional plague of mankind has gained a stranglehold on the psychiatrist and on the psychiatric profession. The psychiatrist’s treatment today is entirely mechanistic. No longer is he interested in the patient’s emotional problems. His focus is exclusively on the quantitative properties of the patient’s symptoms and “drugs of choice” are “tailor made” to eliminate them. Since emotional symptoms are qualitative properties, they cannot be measured and are therefore ignored by the psychiatrist in his evaluation and treatment.

The mechanistic approach of the psychiatrist goes along with the need of the typically clueless patient who is mystically conditioned to look for the cure-all contained in the “right pill”. This alliance of the mechanistic psychiatrist with the mystical patient functions as a barrier and a dead end for the psychiatric profession. It is another manifestation of the emotional plague in people’s everyday lives. For the treatment of the emotional component of the patient’s disorder, the patient is referred to a mystically oriented, lay psychologist or social worker to complete the equation of the plague’s operation.

From a functional perspective, quantity and quality are property’s of the patient’s biological orgone energy. They are two components of the patient’s emotional life. The medical orgonomist is trained to address both of these components in the treatment of the patient’s emotional disorder often without medication using the functional approach of medical orgone therapy.

The Underlying Contempt and Arrogance of the Far-left for America

The far-left seems to know better than the law of the land, The United States Constitution, what is best for everyone. In the Impeachment trail against Trump, they pretended to follow Constitutional Rules but they did so minimally only as a formality. Now that he has been acquitted of any wrongdoing, they will not stop their attacks on him because the Impeachment Trial was only a ruse. There was never any genuine interest to determine whether or not he had committed any crime.

It is easy to conclude from the events that the motive force behind the far-left’s desire to destroy Trump is simply based on their hatred of him. However, it is not only Trump that they want to destroy. They hate the entire system of the American Nation upon which the Constitution is its foundation. The far-left, communist has nothing but disrespect and contempt for the Constitution and they have the arrogance to believe that they have something better to replace it with. Therefore, it must first be destroyed as the law of the land. Break down the rule of law and what you have is social chaos and mass destruction. Everyone’s opinion is as good as everyone else’s. This is a typical communist tactic that has been used time and time again to gain political power over people. This is a manifestation of the emotional plague.

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