The Most Effective Anti-communists Are Ex-communists

Communism/pseudo-liberalism is a highly infectious, socially communicable disease manifested as a ruthless ideology.  Identifying itself with different labels such as progressive , new leftist, socialist, it is extremely adaptable to changing social conditions and it functions to wreck havoc on social life.  Because of its highly seductive facade of idealism, young people are especially prone to be infected by it.  Once the infection takes hold of the individual, it largely determines his or her course of life and thinking.

In rare cases, the individual recovers from the disease.  When this happens, exposure to communism confers a kind of immunity and resistance to it.  This first-hand personal experience with communism provides  a clearer sense of its destructiveness and how the disease operates than is understood by those who have not been infected by it.  One has a feeling from the writing of recovered communists that their anti-communism comes from their gut and not only from their intellect as it often does in anti-communists who were not previously infected.  The recovered ones seem to have a deeper sense of the true source of the disease. Some current examples of these survivors are David Horowitz and Norman Podhoretz although there are many others.

For example, comparing Obama to communists of the past, Podhoretz writes, “… whereas the communists had in their delusional vision of the Soviet Union a model of the kind of society that would replace the one they were bent on destroying, the new leftists only knew what they were against: America, or Amerika as they spelled it to suggest its kinship to Nazi Germany.  Thanks, however, to the unmaking of the Soviet Union as a totalitarian nightmare, they did not know what they were for.  Yet once they had pulled off the incredible feat of taking over the Democratic Party … they dropped the vain hope of a revolution, and in the social democratic system most fully developed in Sweden found an alternative to American capitalism that had a realistic possibility of being achieved through gradual political reform… It was only with the advent of Barack Obama that the leftists at long last succeeded in nominating one of their own.” (The Wall Street Journal August 13-14, 2011).

What is the difference in the approach of Obama’s anti-communist critics between those who are recovered anti-communists and those  who did not go through the process of “immunization”?  Most conservatives who are not recovered anti-communists appear to be stuck in the social facade of rationalism.  Their opposition to Obama’s policies are exclusively based on their reasoning powers.  However,  although Obama’s political agenda is expressed from the superficial layer, it originates almost entirely from the destructive middle layer of his pseudo-liberal character structure.  This is why reason cannot touch it. Ex-communist critics of Obama, on the other hand, because of their past exposure to the disease, have a better sense of the destructive source of his political policies and this perspective is more effective in recognizing and exposing who Mr. Obama really is to the public.

The Riots Inside Britain Seen From A Functional Perspective

People are not able to see the forest for the trees.  From a functional perspective, the rioting, vandalism and psychopathic behavior of young people that is currently happening throughout Britain is simply another symptom of the transformation and degeneration of British society from the authoritarian to anti-authoritarian around 1960.  A primary consequence of the anti-authoritarian social order was the destruction of the authoritarian family.  This resulted in another destructive event, the loss of continuity with the past ways of social life that are traditionally passed down from generation to generation, the most important of which are tasks having to do with work and learning skills. This erosion is the reason for the general decline in scholastic achievement at all levels of education and in people’s biological work function.  Added to their preexisting sexual frustration, the destruction of these two vital functions in these youngsters resulted in the build-up of enormous quantities of emotional pressure that led to the destructive rioting that is currently taking place across England.

Neither the politics of the Left with its permissive attitudes and entitlement programs nor the politics of the Right with its old-fashioned moralistic attitudes and repressive police tactics are solutions.  In reality, they are futile mechanistic and mystical  attempts at addressing the symptom of riots.    Unfortunately, most people think in terms of the mechanistically oriented politics of the Left and the mystically oriented politics of the Right.  One must be able to think from a functional perspective about social events in order to get at the root of what is happening.

President Obama’s Day Of Reckoning

In his article, “What Happened to Obama? Absolutely Nothing” (The Wall Street Journal, August 13-14, 2011), Norman Podhoretz describes President Obama as ” a genuine product of the political culture that had its birth among a marginal group of leftists in the early 1960s and that by the end of the decade had spread metastatically to the universities , the mainstream media, the mainline churches and the entertainment industry.  Like their communist ancestors of the 1930s, the leftist radicals of the ’60s were convinced that the United States was so rotten that only a revolution could save it”.   At the tail end of his run for the presidency, Mr. Obama, in a rare moment of candor promised: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  Referring again to President Obama, Mr. Podhoretz concludes: ” He is still the same anti-American leftist he was before becoming our president, and it is this rather than inexperience or incompetence or weakness or stupidity that accounts for the richly deserved failure both at home and abroad of the policies stemming from that reprehensible cast of mind.”

Mr. Podhoretz has an intuitive understanding that communism is a social cancer that can metastasize and destroy all social organizations.  If he had knowledge of sociopolitical characterology he would easily recognize Mr. Obama as a pseudo-liberal/communist character.  There can no longer be any doubt about the socio-political agenda of the pseudo-liberal/communist character.  His stated personal agenda is to appear and act like a loyal American.  His unstated political agenda is to bring America to its knees through a process of socialization and, at the same time, to subordinate it under the authority of the United Nations.  This goal is similar to the bygone Soviet Union’s stated goal of international socialism.

Mr. Obama’s day of reckoning is Election Day, 2012 at which time he will have to convince the leftist ideologues that supported him for the presidency in 2008 that he is still committed to transforming America into a socialist state and, at the same time, he must once again successfully deceive millions of well-intentioned but misguided American voters that he is a loyal American.

Europe’s Trouble With Islam

Europe’s trouble with Islam is another symptom of social pathology that is impossible to understand without knowledge of sociopolitical characterology (see blog, Can Muslim Societies Be Compatible With Democracy? November 27, 2010).

Muslim society is rigidly authoritarian.  Based on severe sexual repression of children and adolescents, the subjugation of women, a strong mystical tendency and commitment to the Muslim system of law (shariah) over Western law, most Muslim immigrants in Europe belong in varying degrees to the right of the sociopolitical spectrum.  Proceeding from the political center to the extreme right, this group includes conservatives, extreme conservatives, reactionaries and fascists.  Therefore, the political mainstream in Muslim societies is somewhere to the right of center.

By contrast, Western societies today are anti-authoritarian.  Based on the abolition of male authority and the authoritarian family, the widespread disregard for all forms of social tradition and law including the prevalence of sexual license and the use of street drugs, the political mainstream in Western society is shifted far to the left of center. Proceeding from the political center to the extreme left, leftists includes liberals, socialists and pseudo-liberal/communists.  To complicate matters, this leftward shift has necessarily resulted in the polarization of European society with many non-Muslim Europeans gravitating to the political extremes of left and right.  These are the major underlying bio-social forces that are operating in the cultural clash between the Muslim and non-Muslim  Europeans.

Those belonging on the political right have a selective attitude toward social life.  To the degree that Muslims are on the political right, they have difficulty adjusting and are intolerant of a society dominated by leftist norms.  This is why they  segregate themselves and live separately from the rest of the European community in accordance with their Muslim mores.

On the other hand, non- Muslim Europeans belonging on the political right, have difficulty with, and are intolerant of the Muslims’ way of life in Europe.  They expect Muslims to adjust to Western ways overnight.

Europeans belonging on the political left, on the other hand, have a collectivist attitude toward social living.  These leftists go to a great extent to accommodate themselves and tolerate the Muslims’ way of life in Europe, some even supporting shariah law for European Muslims.  Thus, the presence of large numbers of Muslims in Europe exacerbates the divisiveness of an already riven society.  The recent massacre in Oslo is the latest manifestation of this polarization in European society.

It is impossible to make sense of what is going on between European Muslims and non-Muslim Europeans without first understanding  the socio-political character structure of those involved in what is happening.

The Emotional Plague, The Origin Of Social Pathology, Is Not Recognized

Today’s state of knowledge of social pathology is not unlike that which existed about medical pathology in the seventeenth century when there was little or no scientific knowledge of the origin of infectious and other diseases. Imagine practicing medicine or surgery without knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology and all the other branches of medicine necessary to diagnose and treat medical conditions.  Yet, this is exactly what the sociologists, economists  and politicians of today are trying to do when they attempt to remedy social problems without a proper scientific orientation which requires among other things taking into account a careful history of the biological origin of  social pathology.  Expecting today’s politician to take care of social problems is like giving a barber surgical tools and asking him to perform heart surgery.

Particularly destructive is the lack of understanding of the function played by a politician’s individual and sociopolitical character in determining social and political policy.  A politician’s character structure and not the political party to which he belongs is the primary determining factor in his or her political thinking and behavior.  The public’s ignorance of this important fact is the reason that high ranking politicians with a communist character structure posing as true Democrats and members of the Democratic Party are able to do enormous economic harm by, for example, shoving tax and socialist programs down the public’s throat.   Happening today in front of everyone’s eyes, no one really sees these impersonators for who they are and what they are doing .  This is because the function of the communist’s sociopolitical character structure is not understood:  A communist is an emotional plague character on the extreme left, someone who will do whatever it takes to bring down America and in so doing destroy all forms of healthy social life worldwide.

More generally, the emotional plague has infested every part of social and political life.  Yet, the emotional pathology of the armored masses of people that contributes to each and every one of our social problem is consistently evaded.  Some serious examples are the increase in dependency and sense of entitlement of the armored helpless masses on the productive segment of society; the self-serving ever-present leftist politicians ready to take political advantage of the situation; the politicians from both sides of the sociopolitical spectrum who attempt to solve economic problems by interfering with and controlling market forces and so on. These as well as other social problems will continue to escalate until the emotional plague is recognized, sequestered and treated like every other infectious epidemic disease that infests human life.

The Emotional Plague, The Origin Of Social Pathology, Is Not Recognized

Today’s state of knowledge of social pathology is not unlike that which existed about medical pathology in the seventeenth century when there was little or no scientific knowledge of the origin of infectious and other diseases. Imagine practicing medicine or surgery without knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology and all the other branches of medicine necessary to diagnose and treat medical conditions.  Yet, this is exactly what the sociologists, economists  and politicians of today are trying to do when they attempt to remedy social problems without a proper scientific orientation which requires among other things taking into account a careful history of the biological origin of  social pathology.  Expecting today’s politician to take care of social problems is like giving a barber surgical tools and asking him to perform heart surgery.

Particularly destructive is the lack of understanding of the function played by a politician’s individual and sociopolitical character in determining social and political policy.  A politician’s character structure and not the political party to which he belongs is the primary determining factor in his or her political thinking and behavior.  The public’s ignorance of this important fact is the reason that high ranking politicians with a communist character structure posing as true Democrats and members of the Democratic Party are able to do enormous economic harm by, for example, shoving tax and socialist programs down the public’s throat.   Happening today in front of everyone’s eyes, no one really sees these impersonators for who they are and what they are doing .  This is because the function of the communist’s sociopolitical character structure is not understood:  A communist is an emotional plague character on the extreme left, someone who will do whatever it takes to bring down America and in so doing destroy all forms of healthy social life worldwide.

More generally, the emotional plague has infested every part of social and political life.  Yet, the emotional pathology of the armored masses of people that contributes to each and every one of our social problem is consistently evaded.  Some serious examples are the increase in dependency and sense of entitlement of the armored helpless masses on the productive segment of society; the self-serving ever-present leftist politicians ready to take political advantage of the situation; the politicians from both sides of the sociopolitical spectrum who attempt to solve economic problems by interfering with and controlling market forces and so on. These as well as other social problems will continue to escalate until the emotional plague is recognized, sequestered and treated like every other infectious epidemic disease that infests human life.

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