The Consequences Of The Socio-political Redshift On People’s Thinking

The socio-political redshift is the deviation to the far left of center in the current mainstream of socio-political thought.  It was brought about because of the anti-authoritarian transformation of American society which began around 1960 and it was responsible for the political polarization between the left and the right and the generalized cultural degradation in society.

It is first necessary to recognize the existence of the socio-political red shift before any sense can be made of a politician’s true identity and mode of operation.  Because of this redshift to the left of center, any moderate politician that is not part and parcel of  the mainstream of  political thinking is automatically identified  as a product of the political far right while anyone belonging on the political left, no matter how far to the left he belongs, is considered to be a political moderate.  This is why Barack Obama who belongs to the extreme left of center is considered by many  Americans to be a moderate liberal when, in fact, he actually functions as a pseudo-liberal/communist character. This segment of the population is totally taken in by his pseudo-liberal facade.

Part of the problem is that people think only in terms of what political party a politician belongs to and not in terms of their socio-political character structure that determines their political ideas.  The Democratic Party in America was successfully infiltrated and taken over by hard core communist characters during the 1960s at the time that the socio-political red shift was happening. This major event in the history of American politics was the essence of the redshift, an event that went almost completely unnoticed by everyone including, in particular, the younger generation living today, most of whom grew up after the anti-authoritarian transformation and therefore are not aware that a major political shift to the left of center has really happened.  For them, the current socio-political mainstream is actually believed to be the true political center.  This generation of confused idealistic young people are highly susceptible to the plague’s infectiveness. They are in danger of being easily swept up by the political rhetoric of the ” mainstream” extreme left. The public’s high level of support for government sponsored health care, Obamacare, is one example of  people’s dependency on the state for their care and a symptom of the political redshift.

A Cardinal Sign Of An Emotional Plague Character

An important characteristic of  individuals who are afflicted with the emotional plague  is that they are incapable of doing an honest days work.  Although they are unable to work productively, however,  they are highly skilled in ordering others about what they should do.  As a substitute for work,  emotional plague individuals frequently become politicians shoving their political agendas  down other people’s throats.  The substitute activities of these ne’er-do-wells are, in fact, nothing but poorly recognized signs of the emotional plague.

In his recent book, Barack Obama: The Story, author David Maraniss provides a clear picture of such an individual’s work function.  Obama hated his first job working at Business International  after graduating from Colombia University.  He called it ” working for the enemy” because some of the work he did for the company had to do with business  investments in Third World countries.  At Business International he felt uncomfortable: ” Like a spy behind enemy lines, I arrived every day at my mid-Manhatten office.”  He lasted only a year before quitting.  He then became an adept practitioner of political radical, Saul Alinsky’s methods. Obama became a community activist  organizing residents on the Chicago South Side.  According to his wife, Michelle Obama, ” Barack is not a politician first and foremost. He’s a community activist…”  Obama took her assessment as a compliment.  Subsequently, Obama attended Harvard law school, briefly practiced public interest law, taught a college class and finally got into politics where he found his calling.

To a biographer or a historian who has no understanding of the emotional plague, the work history of Mr. Obama is of no particular significance.  To someone who recognizes the importance of the biological work function in determining the quality of human life, however, it speaks volumes: Simply put, it shows that Mr. Obama is biophysically incapable of doing any kind of rational, productive work from his biological core. (Operating as a community organizer is neither rational nor productive. It is activity that originates from the secondary destructive layer of  a totally work-crippled individual and another sign of the emotional plague.)

No surprise then that, by any standard of measurement, Obama’s work performance as President of the United States has been an abysmal failure and that, if elected to a second term of office, it cannot be otherwise.  Whether this country can survive another four years of destructiveness and ineptness at the executive level remains to be seen.

The Robin Hood Syndrome

The Robin Hood Syndrome consists in ” taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor.” A New York Times editorial entitled, The crisis has ended nearly two decades of wealth ( June 13, 2012), states exactly that: ” What’s needed now is even more support, including federal spending on education and public-works projects to create jobs, targeted tax credits for hiring, programs to promote mortgage relief that supports  house prices by keeping Americans in their homes, as well as a renewed commitment to financial regulation to ensure that the system doesn’t melt down again.”

The question is: Where is the money going to come from? Obviously, from increased taxation of the “rich” and from sapping the productive members of the economy, from the working power of people.  The next question is: how long and how much money will it take to improve the economy?  The answer is that since money does not grow on trees, there  is a finite amount of money that the rich and the productive sector can supply and sooner or later this money supply will run out.  Moreover, from past and  current experience it has been shown that this method of  solving economic problems does not work. It’s like throwing good money after bad.

Why then do liberal politicians and economists steadfastly hold on to this destructive idea? It is because they have no understanding that wealth, economic prosperity and “doing good deeds” to bring them about, can not simply be equated with money.  This ideological bias of liberals and others is deeply embedded in the superficial layer of people’s armored  character and therefore is not  open to being questioned.  It is a defense originating against recognizing that the true value of wealth and money comes from the capacity of  people to work productively, from the rational work function of human beings that originates from the depths of their biological core.  Having little or no contact with their biological core, they cannot know that  money has no value in itself and that its value is derived from the capacity of human beings to do productive work in a free marketplace. See my blog, “Why Stimulus Packages do not Work, May 20, 2012.

Since federal spending does absolutely nothing to improve people’s work function, it can do nothing to improve economic conditions in America which are the result of people’s helplessness and incapacity to work for what they want or feel they deserve to have. These  are the real reasons for all the economic problems that we are currently facing.

The Decline In The Level Of People’s Core Contact

The antiauthoritarian transformation of American society has resulted in profoundly destructive social changes because it released the fury of the secondary layer contained in armored people.  An attempt by the superficial layer or facade to contain the destructiveness gave rise to the hypertrophy of the intellect as a defense against it.  This was manifested in recent years by  people’s pursuit of superficial distractions of every kind including relying on drugs of every kind to take away their pain and suffering, relying on the morality of political correctness to deal with the superficial symptoms of the secondary layer and a shift in the political mainstream to the far left of center, the socio-political red shift.

This shift to the left was politically legitimized in 2008 with the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States.  Compared to the biophysical state of the American people in around 1960, there has been an alarming decline in their level of core contact. This is graphically manifested by the fact that today, in 2012, Obama has a good chance of being elected by the American people to a second term of office.  If he had been running for president in 1960, he would have been easily seen by everyone, including Democrats as well as Republicans, as an undisguised communist and run out of town.

From a biophysical point of view, people who politically support Obama are functioning entirely from their superficial layer and have no contact with their biological core.  They are  liberal characters duped by the political mainstream into believing that he is a loyal American.  How long can a society survive where people are out of touch to such a degree with their biological core?

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