A Post-mortem of the 2020 Election

Trump’s brusque manner in his personal relationships and his contentious, populist style in public and with the media were some of the factors that led to his defeat in the 2020 presidential election. From a functional perspective, what he needed to do was to form a relationship of attractive opposition with the electorate but, instead, he formed a relationship of antagonistic opposition with many of them.

Moreover, his behavior detracted from his numerous accomplishments as President. During his tenure, America became energy independent for the first time in history; he pulled American troops out of a seemingly endless conflict in Afghanistan; he pushed for building a wall at America’s southern border; he settled an endless conflict in the Middle East by establishing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, something which no past president was able to achieve.

Many who were against him saw his theatrics and other surface antics as un-presidential. He was presented by the media as “too untrustworthy and too emotional,” i.e. unstable, and not fit for the presidency. By contrast, Biden was pictured on the political stage in the exact opposite manner, with a seemingly smooth, cool, competent facade. In the debates, he responded to Trump’s contentiousness by appearing unruffled and in control of himself, traits that scored him points in the publics mind. More importantly, Biden was expertly packaged. during the political campaign. He never revealed his political hand to the public, and only appeared in carefully orchestrated interviews, speaking mainly in platitudes.

Contact between people happens on the social surface. What mattered to the public about Trump and Biden were what people saw of the candidates on the social surface, their facade, not about the dynamic that was being played out in the social depths within and between these two socio-political character types. The public’s exclusive focus on the surface was also a symptom of their profound state of cluelessness about the two candidates highly different underlying socio-political character structures which was the key to how they would function in the Oval Office.

If Trump had decorum and behaved with dignity instead of playing endlessly to his loyal base he would have earned more credit with the public as a whole. His opponents were seasoned provocateurs and he let himself be constantly provoked. This gave him the image of a populist figure and a street fighter in the minds of the public, not a politician with integrity and a clear strategy for America. By allowing himself to fall into this image, he became his own worst political enemy.

The Strategy of the Emotional Plague

To understand what is currently happening in today’s world, recognizing the existence and operation of the emotional plague is necessary. Without this understanding nothing that is happening can make any sense. The strategy of the plague is to generate confusion and immobilization in its victims. For example, the Black Lives Matter and the Antifa movements generate confusion by pretending to be for their stated goals of caring for blacks and opposing fascism, core functions of life. But, in fact, their true motive is exactly the opposite, to organize and use these political movements as weapons to destroy what still remains healthy in American society .

An understanding of the three layers of the bio-psychic apparatus is also necessary. The emotional plague always seems to be operating from people’s biological core. This is how the plague legitimizes itself as genuine. But it originates and is expressed through the social surface from people’s destructive middle layer.

The Three Sacred Cows, Then and Now

In the past authoritarian era prior to around 1960, a person’s ideas on sexual matters, religion and politics were the three sacred cows. People’s social armor was intact and they were nobody’s business. In today’s anti-authoritarian era, because of the breakthrough of people’s destructive secondary layer to the social surface and with the shift of the social mainstream to the far left of political center, they have become everybody’s business.

The leftward shift was a symptom of the emotional plague’s continued invasiveness, through political activity, into society as more people have been taught to believe in political answers to social problems that have nothing to do with them. The upshot is that today, with Biden’s election as President and the far left media supporting him, the emotional plague from the far left is within reach of gaining political control of America.

Do Not Get Lost in Politics and Political Discussions

Political discussions are always mystical and morally tinged based on ideas of the “Good guys – us”, versus the “Bad guys – them”. In order to be rid of mystical thinking one has to think functionally. Thinking in terms of the three layers of the bio-psychic apparatus allows one to think functionally about people’s political ideas and behaviors and not get lost in endless, non-productive political discussions. It is from the three layers of their bio psychic apparatus, the biological core, the destructive middle layer and the superficial layer, or surface that people function and all human ideas and behaviors must be understood as expressions from them.

Biden was the Wrong American to be Elected President

Biden was the wrong candidate elected to be President of the United States because:

  1. His victory represented the political far-left’s expression of the hated authoritarian-appearing father figure, Donald Trump, the rival that stood in the way of their political goal of controlling America.
  2. There is no longer a two party political system in America that existed in the past where both parties were strongly pro-American. Today, one party supports American interests nationally and internationally while the other party is opposed to and wants to destroy them.
  3. Biden is a spineless political hack on the far-left of the political spectrum incapable of governing. People who voted for him are clueless about the enormous destructive consequences resulting from his socio-political ideology as President.
  4. Biden is under the influence of and apologizes for the behavior of his communist cohorts in the Democratic Party including the new Vice President herself all of whom are emotional plague characters. They will be controlling the Democratic Party’s operations even if Biden is never replaced.
  5. Under Biden’s regime, the current anti-authoritarian transformation of society will continue to shift further leftward resulting in more governmental control of people’s economic and social lives. America will end up being turned into a communist-style State under the absolute control of Democratic Party’s far-left ideologues.

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