We Are Living in Difficult And Dangerous Times.

Because of the unrecognized anti-authoritarian transformation of America that occurred in American Society in the mid-sixties, the structure of our society is entirely different today than it was in the past. A major change was that the traditional respect and loyalty that had existed for elders and authority figures in the past authoritarian social order was destroyed. Today, this respect is generally non-existent. A glaring example is the decline in the prestige and respect by the general public for Authority figures in general and for members of the psychiatric profession in particular. The psychiatrists’ traditional highly respected reputation as a leader on social issues no longer exists today. Another destructive consequence of the transformation was the destruction of the American two-party system as members of the communist party are allowed to enter governmental institutions and become loyal members of Congress.

Whatever natural, biological contact that existed between patient and therapist in the past (the doctor-patient relationship) has been replaced today by the mechanism of substitute contact through the exclusive use of medications as the primary tool in psychiatric therapy. As a result of the transformation, people today are more out of touch with themselves, and socially, with others. The outcome of this antiauthoritarian transformation will be the irreversible destruction of the American form of Democracy and its replacement by a fascist state (a “New America”) controlled by those in political power on the political left.

Our only hope to prevent social destruction is that enough people see the futility of applying political solutions to everyday social problems and for them to see what is happening functionally, the way all human relationships actually happen.


  1. Thank you Dr. Konia for continuing, by way of your posts, to so cogently address the destructive times that we find ourselves living in. I hope that those interested in a fuller understanding will read your most recent book, “Clueless: The Great Human Disconnect” as well as your two earlier books, “The Emotional Plague: The Root Of Human Evil” and “Neither Left nor Right: Preventing America’s Decline Into Socialism.”
    My ongoing gratitude to you,
    Alexis Packer

  2. It is comforting that there are people like yourself who fully understand and grasp the situation. I just wish more people would soften to Reich’s work a bit , at least intellectually as a first step.

  3. I often wonder whether Orgonomy and functional thinking will have a significant impact on society in the future. In one of my favorite editorials by Dr. Konia, he wrote about the need for the ACO and the science of Orgonomy to find a beachhead in society.
    The need for establishing a beachhead perfectly describes the circumstance that functional thinkers, and those who see the destruction brought on by the current manifestation of the emotional plague, find themselves in.
    Where and how that beachhead can be established is still in its very early stage of development. Hopefully the people who may soften to Reich’s work in the future will possess the talent and character structure to take up that important challenge.

    • Think that the emotional plague must first be recognized by a sufficient number of people before a beachhead can be established.

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