People’s Difficulty In Recognizing The Emotional Plague

People’s inability to recognize the existence of the emotional plague as a highly destructive and contagious medical disease is related to the fact that there is currently no scientific knowledge of the bio-emotional forces that govern human social life.

What must be known and understood is that differences in human armor produce differences in the way the emotional plague is misperceived and misunderstood. These differences correspond in a general way to the pattern of armor of people belonging on the left and right of the socio-political spectrum. Those on the left (liberals) live mainly in their superficial layer or facade. For them, the idea of the emotional plague is meaningless because the function of the liberal’s facade is to defend them from being aware of their destructive, middle layer (from where the emotional plague originates) and so the plague does not seem to exist for them.  (The liberal’s unawareness of the plague is partly why they are an effective tool that leftist radicals can use at will to carry out their destructive social agendas.)  Those on the right (conservatives) have better contact with their middle layer and their core. For conservatives, the idea of the emotional plague is real but it is perceived in a distorted form.  They view the plague not as a true medical disease but as a moral human failing.  They think of it in terms of “good” and “bad” human behavior and that the illness can be addressed by rational political dialogue.  However, the plague is not good or bad.  It cannot be stopped by political means.  Like any other medical disease, the plague is embedded in the biophysical structure of plague-ridden people.  The farther they are to the right of center, the more righteous and irrational are their thoughts about the plague.  This view of the plague is worthless from a therapeutic standpoint since a moralistic or righteous approach can never be used to combat a contagious medical condition.  (It is reminiscent of the irrationally fearful ways some contagious medical diseases, such as leprosy, syphilis and the bubonic plague, were treated before the modern era in medicine.)

Humanity cannot possibly come to grips with the emotional plague and recognize it as a deadly medical illness because their armor prevents people from seeing and thinking without distortion about problems in their individual and social lives.  This is why the disease will  remain a mystery and continue to ravage society until a sufficient number of  qualified social scientists appear on the scene who can take an honest look at themselves and deal with the emotional plague as a true medical illness.

People’s Difficulty In Recognizing The Emotional Plague

People’s inability to recognize the existence of the emotional plague as a highly destructive and contagious medical disease is related to the fact that there is currently no scientific knowledge of the bio-emotional forces that govern human social life.

What must be known and understood is that differences in human armor produce differences in the way the emotional plague is misperceived and misunderstood. These differences correspond in a general way to the pattern of armor of people belonging on the left and right of the socio-political spectrum. Those on the left (liberals) live mainly in their superficial layer or facade. For them, the idea of the emotional plague is meaningless because the function of the liberal’s facade is to defend them from being aware of their destructive, middle layer (from where the emotional plague originates) and so the plague does not seem to exist for them.  (The liberal’s unawareness of the plague is partly why they are an effective tool that leftist radicals can use at will to carry out their destructive social agendas.)  Those on the right (conservatives) have better contact with their middle layer and their core. For conservatives, the idea of the emotional plague is real but it is perceived in a distorted form.  They view the plague not as a true medical disease but as a moral human failing.  They think of it in terms of “good” and “bad” human behavior and that the illness can be addressed by rational political dialogue.  However, the plague is not good or bad.  It cannot be stopped by political means.  Like any other medical disease, the plague is embedded in the biophysical structure of plague-ridden people.  The farther they are to the right of center, the more righteous and irrational are their thoughts about the plague.  This view of the plague is worthless from a therapeutic standpoint since a moralistic or righteous approach can never be used to combat a contagious medical condition.  (It is reminiscent of the irrationally fearful ways some contagious medical diseases, such as leprosy, syphilis and the bubonic plague, were treated before the modern era in medicine.)

Humanity cannot possibly come to grips with the emotional plague and recognize it as a deadly medical illness because their armor prevents people from seeing and thinking without distortion about problems in their individual and social lives.  This is why the disease will  remain a mystery and continue to ravage society until a sufficient number of  qualified social scientists appear on the scene who can take an honest look at themselves and deal with the emotional plague as a true medical illness.

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